Plastic surgery does more than employ various surgical and nonsurgical procedures to provide patients with trimmer bodies, more youthful appearances and improved self-esteem; it can truly change lives. The case of Paul Mason offers resounding proof of this.
Once tipping the scales at nearly 1000 pounds, Mason managed to lose an impressive 650 pounds, but then he found his attempts at living a more normal life stymied by the loose skin that hung in voluminous folds around his frame. That is when a team of plastic surgeons stepped in to help. Volunteering their services, they performed a complicated surgery that required nearly 8 feet of incisions and freed Mason of some 50 pounds of excess skin from around his legs and midsection.
Now, Mason has been able to leave his wheelchair behind and walk on his own two feet as he enjoys accomplishing the everyday tasks that most people take for granted. He hopes to have another procedure in the future to deal with the extra skin still present on his arms.
“I think it takes a tremendous amount of courage, determination and mental toughness to endure what Mason has endured,” says Seattle plastic surgeon Dr. Shahram Salemy. “Patients in this situation are often motivated by the goal of being able to enjoy their lives to the fullest, and after a massive weight loss like this, body contouring is generally a necessity. This means facing more surgery, scars and potential complications, but virtually all of these patients find the rewards worth the struggle.”
A board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Salemy has repeatedly been named “One of America’s Top Plastic Surgeons” by the Consumers’ Research Council of America. A respected surgeon and published author, he has been appointed to serve as a clinical instructor in the University of Washington’s Division of Plastic Surgery. He also has his own practice where he combines personalized treatment plans, the latest in cosmetic surgery techniques and exceptional patient care to provide his patients with outstanding results.
If you would like to schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Salemy, call (206) 467-1101 or email his Seattle office.