Most women are interested in having a breast profile that is shapely and youthful in appearance, and many have increasingly turned to breast surgery to help them achieve these goals. The two most popular breast surgery techniques available to help women obtain the form they desire are breast augmentation and breast lift (mastopexy). While these procedures are becoming more and more common, patients are often confused about which procedure is more appropriate for their goals.
Seattle plastic surgeon and multiple award-winner, Dr. Shahram Salemy explains a straightforward approach to determine which method best suits a particular patient, or whether the person can benefit from a combined procedure. “For patients who love the shape of their breasts but want them to appear fuller, an augmentation can be a good option,” he says. “However, in cases where patients love the sizes of their breasts but are seeking a more pleasing shape to them, a breast lift often makes sense.”
One of the most common cosmetic procedures performed today, breast augmentation involves the insertion of implants that are filled with either silicone or salt water. The actual placement of the implants is done through incisions that are made in areas that are generally hidden from view. The procedure is normally accomplished in less than two hours, using sedation or general anesthesia, and with recovery possible within a few days.
A breast lift is a procedure that alters the shape of the breast through reshaping and lifting breast tissue. Also known as a mastopexy, a breast lift is ideal for women who have experienced changes in their bodies through aging, changes in weight or pregnancy. Patients are often able to return to work within two weeks of the procedure, and a breast lift can in many cases be combined with a breast augmentation and be performed as one procedure.
Originally from Texas, Dr. Salemy is a graduate of both Yale University and the Yale School of Medicine and was a resident in training at the University of Washington School of Medicine, in Seattle. Dr. Salemy was named one of “America’s Top Plastic Surgeons” in 2006, and would receive the same honor three more times. In 2008 and 2009, he was a recipient of the “Patient’s Choice Award”.
Email or call Dr. Salemy’s Seattle plastic surgery center at (206) 467-1101 for a personal breast augmentation or breast lift consultation and procedure plan.