The term “mommy makeover” is thrown around a lot on line and in various forums, and folks often ask me what exactly it is and if they are a good candidate for one. Basically, a “Mommy Makeover” involved 2 or more procedures performed during one surgery to help get you looking your best after pregnancy, breast feeding and taking care of a new infant have taken their toll on your body. It usually involves a procedure on the breasts (breast lift, augmentation, or both), the tummy (tummy tuck or lipo) and perhaps liposuction elsewhere on the body (arms, thighs, hips). The idea is that after one procedure, you’re well on your way to looking as good or even better than you did before you had your children.
One thing often not talked about is what needs to be done in preparation for surgery, in particular to make sure you have the time to heal and recover after surgery (about a week or so) and that you have some help around the house with the children, in particular if they are little ones. While the procedures are straightforward and most women recover very nicely, it is still surgery, and so your body needs some time to recover.