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Home / Blog / Tummy Tucks
The Ozempic Craze Has Taken the Wellness and Weight Loss World by Storm. Originally developed as a medication for type 2 diabetes, Ozempic (semaglutide) has gained widespread attention for its remarkable side effect: significant weight loss. This injectable drug works by mimicking a hormone called GLP-1, which helps regulate blood sugar...
When you’re considering plastic surgery, it’s important to factor recovery times into your plans. Recovery times can vary depending on overall health and procedure, and some patients may take longer to be back to 100% while others may require less time. Some Factors When Considering Recovery Time Include: Average duration of...
Childbearing, weight loss, and aging can take a toll on the abdominal region. Many consider undergoing an abdominoplasty or more popularly known as a tummy tuck to achieve a flatter and more toned mid-section. For those interested in this procedure being informed and getting educated about what a tummy tuck can...
Plastic and cosmetic surgeries don’t have to be major procedures to have a big impact. From scar removal to rhinoplasty, there are many procedures that make only minor adjustments to the body, but can completely change the way a patient looks and feels. Discover the skill and art behind plastic surgery....
The concept of a tummy tuck seems simple enough, and many find the idea of a surgical procedure that can create a beautiful, taut tummy by tightening weakened abdominal muscles and removing excess skin and tissue attractive. The fact that the American Society of Plastic Surgeons identified the tummy tuck, which...
Many people struggle to get the flat and toned stomach that they desire. There are many exercises, such as Pilates and crunches, that are designed to tone core muscles, but these are often ineffective, in particular after pregnancy, and they cannot address excess loose skin or pockets of stubborn fat. A...
Results from tummy tucks can vary greatly based on a patient’s desired goals, abdominoplasty type, and a patient’s anatomy. Here are a couple highlights of cases for full and extended tummy tucks: FULL TUMMY TUCK This woman wanted a dramatic transformation to her abdominal contour after bearing children. A full tummy...
Life takes a toll on a person’s abdominal area. Age, childbearing, and changes in weight can trigger sagging muscles, extraneous skin, and deposits of fat, and the result is a stomach that is flabby rather than toned. Fortunately, a tummy tuck can offer a viable solution for those who want a...
Jane, one of Dr. Shahram Salemy’s patients, was featured on Realself. She explained how undergoing a Mommy Makeover helped transform her life. Her procedures included a breast lift, tummy tuck, and labiaplasty. Read more about Jane’s story on Realself
...“I feel comfortable in my own skin.” In this popular mommy makeover video, we follow Sara Hagen from Bozeman, Montana, who, after researching surgeons extensively, traveled across two states to work specifically with Award-Winning Seattle Plastic Surgeon Dr. Shahram Salemy. Dr. Salemy and his staff helped Sara plan the logistics of...
A Tummy Tuck, whether full or mini, is a plastic surgery procedure that’s used to give a patient a flatter and tighter stomach and midsection. Most patients who choose a tummy tuck have slack, excess skin that has stubbornly persisted after aging, pregnancy, or rapid weight loss. During a full tummy...
Liposuction and tummy tuck surgery can and are more often performed at the same time than ever before, and results of a study (August 2013) in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery-Global Open®, the official open-access medical journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) show that combining the two procedures do...
“The procedure, a mommy makeover, is to become that person you were before you had children on the outside, and have your own identity, and feel beautiful, because that’s so important as a mother, to feel beautiful.” -Amanda Pearson, Issaquah, WA After 2 years, we are circling back to Amanda’s story:...
Abdominoplasties, also known as “Tummy Tucks”, are often employed by men and women after their bodies have suffered the effects of aging, heredity, prior surgeries, heredity, and pregnancy. Tummy Tucks are quite popular cosmetic procedures, can be an excellent option for individuals with otherwise normal weight and body proportion but who...
I already know I’ll need plastic surgery to have the flat, toned tummy I want, but should I get a tummy tuck or liposuction? Even after regular dieting and exercise, achieving a flat, toned abdomen is often out of reach for many people, especially those who have undergone a pregnancy or...
This Seattle patient regained her self-confidence and reclaimed her life after having undergone a Mommy Makeover by Seattle Plastic Surgeon Dr. Shahram Salemy. Many moms, despite a commitment to dieting, exercising, and leading a healthy lifestyle, are often unable to overcome all of the effects of pregnancy (skin and muscle laxity,...
Most Overweight Patients Show Lasting Weight Loss One Year after Abdominoplasty A preliminary study revealed that many abdominoplasty (“tummy tuck“) patients may experience significant and long-term weight loss, especially those who were obese or overweight before their procedure. The study was detailed by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the...
With celebrities seeming to bounce back quickly after pregnancy, you may be wondering if they have undergone a “mommy makeover”. While we continue to wonder, here are the basics of a “mommy makeover” if you are considering undergoing one yourself. A “mommy makeover” is becoming an increasingly popular option for women...
Considering a Tummy Tuck? Dr. Salemy always advises potential candidates to consult with a Board-Certified plastic surgeon, one who has had particular success with the procedure, and to ask lots of questions! Here now are some of the most popular and frequently asked questions and Dr. Salemy’s answers regarding the popular...
Sara Hagen, one of Dr. Salemy’s patients, appeared on The Scene magazine which covers Seattle’s Eastside. With the help of Dr. Salemy, Hagen, a 36-year-old mother of two from Bozeman, Montana, underwent a mommy makeover procedure that restored her pre-pregnancy body and self-confidence. The plastic surgery included a tummy tuck, breast...
A tummy tuck (or abdominoplasty) is a really common procedure with the goal being to improve the contour and shape of the abdomen. Often the abdomen really changes with age, weight loss, or pregnancy, and although diet and exercise can help, sometimes it’s not enough. Each tummy tuck involves removing excess...
With the exception of Before & After photos in the Photo Gallery and other photos that indicate otherwise, the photos on this website are of models and not actual patients.
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